Category Archives: Ezines

Synergize 2024: Dr. Tim Coalter, General Overseer, Church of God of Prophecy, To Bring A Key Note Message

June 16, 2023

The Billion Soul Harvest Story

June 8, 2023

On a snowy February 18, 2001, at 2:30 in the afternoon, the Holy Spirit whispered to me to call a renowned Christian leader. I immediately called while driving my car home in Springfield, Missouri. “This is James Davis,” I told Charlton, his assistant, “And this call is 8.7 out of a 10 on the Richter scale.” Within an hour this distinguished leader called and asked, “James, what is in your heart?” I told him my burden for pastors worldwide. Through my evangelistic travels and ministry, I had learned that more than ninety percent of all ministers worldwide have no formal education. Tens of thousands drop out of ministry each year,…

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The Evangelist & The Great Commission

June 6, 2023

The number one debilitating fear of people is having lived a meaningless life. Do you know what your mission in life is? How can you know if you are making progress unless you have a purpose? The purpose is the compass, and the progress is the coordinates for your life and ministry. In a sense, you have an “ambidextrous calling.” You will have to remain faithful to the Word of God and still minister in an ever-changing world. Whether you are just beginning an evangelistic or pastoral ministry or have been on the evangelistic field or in the pastorate for some time, let me ask you one question: Why do you…

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The Synergistic Church: The Answer To Fulfilling the Great Commission

May 16, 2023

At the Synergize 2002 Conference (formerly called Beyond All Limits), we stated that the Church is moving past egos and logos to we go to finish the Great Commission. At the Synergize 2008 Conference, we articulated that a massive missional shift was underway throughout the Body of Christ. This missional shift was summarized with: It is no longer the West going to the Rest, but the Best around the World going to the Rest of the World. When I read Dr. Stephen Covey’s book in 1996, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, I was captivated by all seven habits. Yet, habit number six, synergize, so moved my heart and mind,…

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The Five Levels Of Evangelistic Leadership

May 5, 2023

Once a person has settled the issue forever regarding his/her call of God upon their life, then that individual must prepare to become a leader in the church. If you are beginning an evangelistic or pastoral ministry, you must comprehend what true evangelistic leadership is about in the church. Instead of asking, “Why is my ministry not growing?” ask, “What makes a ministry grow?” An effective ministry will naturally grow. Management Verses Leadership God is not calling evangelists and pastors to be managers but leaders. There is a great difference between managers and leaders of evangelism. Many years ago, Warren Bennis wrote: The manager administers; the leader innovates. The manager…

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The Qualities of Synergistic Leadership

April 20, 2023

We must be something before we do something. People today desire leaders to whom they can relate— those who are real and who serve in humility before Christ; those who are not afraid to reveal their weaknesses, knowing that others will work with them to compensate for their deficiencies. They know that in return they will help others to utilize the many talents and gifts God has given them. These leaders are necessary for the growth and health of the church. It is these kinds of leaders who have the confidence to synergize together with other leaders to reach their communities for Christ. Synergistic leaders are not consumed with “territories”…

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Why Good Friday Is Good?

April 7, 2023

More than two thousand years ago, Mankind nailed his Maker on a cross of wood. On that horrific day, the devil laughed, the people sneered and the Father turned His back on his Son. Jesus Christ did not die and rise again for a percentage of the world, but for the whole world. While Jesus was dying on the cross, there were many miracles that happened to demonstrate Why Good Friday is Good. Easter is God’s grace for the human race. As we approach Good Friday, consider Why Good Friday is Good. According to Matthew 27:45-54, when Jesus died on the cross: He touched the sun. In Him, we have…

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How to Walk in the Spirit (Colossians Series #3)

April 5, 2023

The Christian life is not so high that you can reach it; it’s so low that you get down to it. An ordinary person who surrendered to the Lord can understand how to live the victorious life. You don’t have to have a Ph.D.; you don’t have to learn Greek and Hebrew to learn what we’re going to learn in this chapter. The Bible is such a wonderful book. It is shallow enough that a little child can come and get a drink without fear of drowning, and so deep that scholars can swim in it and never touch bottom. We read in Colossians chapter 2:1-10: For I want you…

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The Kidnappers Are Coming! (Colossians Series #2)

March 28, 2023

In the Western world, there is a mindset that Jesus is not enough. Untold numbers of people believe that people need more than Jesus Christ. In other words, they are not convinced that Jesus is all they need. For many, they believe that Jesus plus something else equals everything a person needs. The book of Colossians takes an altogether contradictory view to this particular philosophy. The book of Colossians says that Jesus Christ plus anything else equals nothing. These verses we are studying are the key verses of the book of Colossians and it makes it very clear that all fullness and completeness are found in the Lord Jesus Christ….

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The Net Report March 2023: The Latest Global Church Network News

March 21, 2023

The Global Church Network® Synergizing & Mobilizing The Whole Body of Christ To Finalizing The Great Commission The Global Church Network continues to synergize, and mobilize in order to finalize the Great Commission. In the last several weeks, great success strides have taken place throughout Africa. We are thrilled to inform of the remarkable Global Cairo Hub launch, with nearly 300 key leaders coming from 18 denominations. For nearly two years, strategic planning has taken place for this successful hub launch in Northern Africa. Our prayer is for the Cairo Hub to become the “Antioch” of Northern Africa. We heard powerful teachings from: Rev. Ejaz Nabie, FINISH Director, New York…

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  • From the first time I met James Davis, I was raptured with the vision of more than one billion souls coming to Christ in my lifetime. We are honored to partner with him and his excellent team.

    Lee Powell
  • It a thrill to serve with James Davis on this global team, believing the Lord to plant churches where there have never been any churches before and to see souls saved where no souls have been saved before.

    Leon Fontaine
  • I have been a part of this global network since it was first announced by James Davis to more than 5,000 leaders. I am thrilled to know now that pastors in more than 140 nations are partnering together.

    David Sobrepena
  • We are committed to the Second Billion Network and to seeing untold millions come to Christ in our lifetime. I deeply appreciate James Davis’ servant leadership and his vision for the Body of Christ.

    Alex Mitala
Invite Dr. James O. Davis

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