The Billion Soul Harvest: Moving From Influence To Impact

November 21, 2023

I believe leadership is more than influence. Leadership must have impact.

Imagine if you had spent the afternoon fishing in a lake or even an ocean. When you returned, someone asked you, “How did your afternoon go? Yet, your answer to the person is, “I influenced a lot of fish.”

That is not the answer the person wants to hear. He or she wants to know wether or not you caught any fish. Influence that does not ultimately lead to impact is simply information without inspiration. In this article,  I will briefly share about two Korean leaders who have move beyond influence to impact.

When I reflect over the life and leadership of Dr. Byoungho Zoh in Korea, he truly demonstrates influence with impact. He has read the Bible through more than 1,000 times. Pause and ponder what you have just read. How many people do you know, who have devoted their lives to understanding and applying God’s Word at this high level. I personally do not know of any other person!

Yet, Dr. Zoh turned this understanding of God’s Word into a methodology for all of us to apply to our lives and ministries. His impact has gone from zero to one and one to two. Extremely rare indeed! I urge you to download the Tongdok Bible App today and go on a higher spiritual journey than ever before!


In addition to being Senior Pastor of the Tongdok Church Seoul Korea, he has a phenomenal leadership center in the heart of the South Korean Mountains, and has authored 117 books to date. He life has enriched me and expanded my ministry horizons. In the Global Church Network he serves at the CoChair/Tongdok Bible & Korea. I was deeply honored to partner with him with recent Seoul Hub launch in the Global Church Network.

Dr. Young Hoon Lee is the Senior Pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, Korea. Dr. Lee succeeded Dr. David Yonggi Cho in 2008 and became the Assemblies of God General Superintendent of South Korea in 2009.

The current membership of Yoido Full Gospel Church is 830,000 members. He was elected as the President of the Christian Council of Korea, representing 50,000 plus Churches.

I was fortunate to minister for Dr. Lee at Yoido Full Gospel Church in October 2023, I observed thorough preparation, outstanding communication, timely orientation, and honorable cooperation. When I walked into the sanctuary for the beginning of the worship service, I could sense that the people had come to hear from the Lord and to make His Name known in the world. For decades this powerful, visionary church has impacted South Korea and the world. It is my understanding that there are more than 400 pastors on the pastoral team.

I believe every Christian should read Pastor Lee’s latest book, Only By Prayer. Read carefully the following words found on the back cover:

Prayer is the foundation of faith. It is at the center of the daily faith walk. During the remainder of our lives, for God’s grace, blessings, and miracles to come upon us, to live a spiritually healthy life, to battle the problem laid before us and be victorious, to draw closer to the Lord, to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord, you must devote yourself to prayer. God will do amazing works when you pray. 

Dr. Young Hoon Lee has moved beyond influence to impact!

With the above in mind, I invite you to believe larger and consider becoming a Billion Soul Church.

The Global Church Network® is composed of pastors from more than 180 nations, from every major stream of Christianity, numbering more than 700,000. Local churches from around the world have joined the movement as a “Billion Soul® Church.” Will you belong? The Billion Soul® Network is part of the overarching Global Church Network™.

A Billion Soul™ Church is a Bible-Believing, Christ-Centered, Spirit-Filled, Kingdom-Minded and Mission-Sending church that is characterized with Prayer, Passion for Souls, Discipling Peoples, Visionary Leadership, Sacrificial Giving and commitment to fulfill the Great Commission.


  • Is a Synergizing Church that networks and partners with others to complete the Great Commission.
  • Is a Soul-Saving Church with a focus of doubling in size within ten to fifteen years.
  • Is a Seeking Church that prays for the Great Commission to be fulfilled.
  • Is a Sending Church that trains ministers to send into the harvest field and plants churches.
  • Is a Sowing Church that invests resources and finances in the Billion Soul Movement.

We are moving closer and closer to the finish line. Our God-given vision must find our role in God’s goal of completing the Great Commission. Please consider sending this article to fellow ministers! Blessings.

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  • From the first time I met James Davis, I was raptured with the vision of more than one billion souls coming to Christ in my lifetime. We are honored to partner with him and his excellent team.

    Lee Powell
  • It a thrill to serve with James Davis on this global team, believing the Lord to plant churches where there have never been any churches before and to see souls saved where no souls have been saved before.

    Leon Fontaine
  • I have been a part of this global network since it was first announced by James Davis to more than 5,000 leaders. I am thrilled to know now that pastors in more than 140 nations are partnering together.

    David Sobrepena
  • We are committed to the Second Billion Network and to seeing untold millions come to Christ in our lifetime. I deeply appreciate James Davis’ servant leadership and his vision for the Body of Christ.

    Alex Mitala
Invite Dr. James O. Davis

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