When God Gives Up: Romans Series #6

March 5, 2025

We need a sweeping, weeping, and reaping revival! Sooner or later every nation will reap what its people have sown over decades of time. Today millions of people have convinced themselves that free sex and free love are acceptable. Marriage is seen as a dying institution. Divorce is no longer wrong. Fornication is no longer a sin. Homosexuality is seen by many as an alternate lifestyle. Now there are those who wish to debate how many genders there really are beyond male and female. The apostle Paul continues to build his case in God’s courtroom of justice and morality. The wording in Romans 1:18-32 is some of the strongest in…

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The Judgement Day Of Mr. & Ms. GoodPerson: Romans Series #5

February 26, 2025

In Romans chapter 1, the apostle Paul sets forth the truth that all people everywhere are sinners and are in desperate need of a Savior. So in that dark, black background, as he lays the velvet background of human sin, he shows the diamond of the Gospel, and it sparkles with all of its clarity and purity against the backdrop of the sinfulness of the hearts of men. In Romans chapter 1 Paul brings the total pagan before God and shows that the pagan needs Christ as his Savior. Then in Romans 2 he brings the good, moral person and shows that the moral person needs a Savior. He brings…

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The Billion Soul Harvest Of The Global Church Network

February 18, 2025

When the late Dr. Bill Bright, Founder of Campus Crusade (Cru) and I launched the Global Church Network (also referred to as Billion Soul Network), we launched the Global Church Divinity School (GCDS.tv) in 2002. I remember, like it was yesterday, sharing with Dr. Bright in the fall of 2001, about the online streaming capacity through Real Networks located in Seattle, Washington. I explained to Dr. Bright that we would be able to train pastors and leaders worldwide. The Early Vision of Internet Training In November 2001, Dr. Bright and I hosted a nationwide conference call with 105 distinguished leaders. During the conference call, we streamed live power point slides…

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Finding Your Role In God’s Goal

February 6, 2025

One of the greatest questions Christians have is, “How can I know God’s will or my life?” In other words, “How can I find my role in God’s goal? In this Genesis 24, we read five times the statement, “Good-Speed” or “success.” It means that God’s hand is upon His servants, helping them to do the things that He wants them to do. The background for this chapter is that Abraham is the father of the Jewish nation. Abraham has a son of promise, named Isaac. Then, there came a time when Isaac needed a bride. Abraham desires to obtain a bride for his son, Isaac. In a similar manner, God desires to have a…

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Announcing the Jerusalem Council II In Athens, Greece

January 24, 2025

LEADERSHIP TEAM Tobi Arayomi Misael Argeñal Desmond Austin Doug Beacham Matt Beemer Ricardo Castillo Mark Chironna Steve Chong Florin Cimpean James O. Davis Ed & Trish Farrell Wayland Henderson Timothy Hill Abson Joseph Craig Keener Tara Korpi Suliasi Kurulo Batbold Lkhamsuren Greg Lyons Angel E. Marcial Wayman Ming Alex Mitala David Mohan Peter Mortlock Urs Daniel Schmid Daniel Simão Samuel Smadja John O. Smith David Sobrepeñao Robert Stearns Carla Sunberg Leonard Sweet James Taylor IV Casey & Wendy Treat Micah Wood Steven Ybarrola Byoungho Zoh   Answering The Top Seven Questions Of Our Time To Fulfill The Great Commission    In homage to the First Century Church Fathers who gathered…

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The Qualities of a Faith-Filled Church: Book of Romans Series #3

January 8, 2025

When we read the opening book of Romans, the apostle Paul tells us what his book is all about. In verse 1 he says he is writing about the Gospel of God. In verse 9 he calls it the Gospel of God’s Son. In verse 16 he calls it the Gospel of Christ. The purpose of the book of Romans is to tell the Good News of what God has done to make it possible for us to get out of the sin mess we find ourselves in. The Good News is what Jesus Christ did at Calvary to pay the price for our sins. Probably one of greatest commentaries…

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From Sinner to Saint: Book of Romans Series #2

December 10, 2024

We are certainly living in a world that is filled with bad news. It seems daily, on the television and in the newspaper, the news is increasingly bad. It seems that every day the news is filled with violence and tragedy, with horror and with heartache. It seems everywhere we turn today, the news is increasingly bad. That’s one of the reasons I love the Bible and enjoy talking about the Bible. The Bible is a book that is filled with Good News. In fact, every time you open the Bible, somewhere in that passage you will find a message from God about Good News. The Bible is Good News…

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What Are You Willing Not To Do For The Lord?

November 6, 2024

Over the last forty years, I believe I have heard just about every excuse possible why Christ-followers cannot be faithful to weekly church attendance, cannot be consistent in sharing Christ with the lost or answering the call into fulltime ministry. When local churches used to host evangelistic and revival crusades, I was fortunate to preach hundreds of them. During those years, I would ask Pastors to give me a list of names to call and invite to the crusade. I invited more than 10,000 Christians to attend the crusades over those years. As you can imagine, I got a lot of positive responses and also truckloads of excuses why he…

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The Builder Of The Roman Road: Roman Series #1

October 17, 2024

Dr. Martin Luther was a Roman monk. He was a theologian—a professor in a school. He was desperately trying to learn how to be right with God. There came a time he took a journey to Rome and climbed on his knees up Pilate’s stairs, where supposedly the blood of Jesus Christ was dropped as you go up. Dr. Luther stopped and kissed the blood on every one of those steps. But when he came to the top of the stairs, he realized he was no more right with God that he had been. Yet it was through the book of Romans that Martin Luther studied, and he came to…

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Global Church Network Launches 22 HUBs Spanning 60 Million Square Miles Across Oceania

October 16, 2024

Pastors and ministry leaders from across 22 Pacific Island nations converged in Fiji October 8-10, 2024, for the FINISH Oceania Summit, where they collaboratively developed missional strategies for leadership development, evangelism, discipleship, church planting and strategic networking. Convened by the Global Church Network (GCN) in synergistic partnership with Dr. Suliasi Kurulo, founder of World Harvest Center and Christian Missionary Fellowship in Suva, Fiji, the summit was the next part of the FINISH 2030 campaign to finalize the Great Commission by 2030.  “In order to complete the Great Commission, ministry leaders must be able to tie relational knots to build a net that works. No knot, no net, no network,” said Dr. James…

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Office Address

James O. Davis Cutting Edge International P. O. Box 411605 Rockledge, Florida 32941 James O. Davis Global Church Network P. O. Box 411605 Melbourne, Florida 32941 Office Phone: 417-861-9999 General Questions Office@JamesODavis.com
  • From the first time I met James Davis, I was raptured with the vision of more than one billion souls coming to Christ in my lifetime. We are honored to partner with him and his excellent team.

    Lee Powell
  • It a thrill to serve with James Davis on this global team, believing the Lord to plant churches where there have never been any churches before and to see souls saved where no souls have been saved before.

    Leon Fontaine
  • I have been a part of this global network since it was first announced by James Davis to more than 5,000 leaders. I am thrilled to know now that pastors in more than 140 nations are partnering together.

    David Sobrepena
  • We are committed to the Second Billion Network and to seeing untold millions come to Christ in our lifetime. I deeply appreciate James Davis’ servant leadership and his vision for the Body of Christ.

    Alex Mitala
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