Forty Days Of Quadruple Growth Worldwide, Part Two

November 21, 2023

The Global Church Network continues to experience compounding quadruple growth worldwide.

We synergized efforts together with Dr. Byoungho Zoh, Founder of Tongdok Bible App and Tongdok Bible Studies worldwide, for the launch of the Global Seoul Hub in Korea. More than 1,200 pastors and leaders attended, from throughout Korea. During the Seoul Hub, we heard life-changing presentations from Dr. Leonard Sweet, Dr. David Sobrepena, Rev. Ejaz Nabie, Dr. Calvin Tibbs, Dr. James Hudson Taylor IV, Dr. Hyoungbae Kim, Dr. Sunghoan Chun, Dr. Youngho Park and Dr. Euisig Kim. We had powerful times of praise and worship, along with intercessory prayer. From the first song, there was a “divine touch” upon the music, messages and members.

While we were in Korea, I was fortunate to minister with Dr. Young Hoon Lee, at Yoido Full Gospel Church. Yoido Full Gospel Church continues to be the largest church in the world. Additionally, on Monday and Wednesday, Dr. David Sobrepena and I were interviewed by C Television regarding the Seoul Hub, Tongdok Bible and the growth of the Global Church Network. C Television has a more than 3 million faithful viewers. Over the last 40 years, the Korean Church has experienced powerful revival and has become one of the strongest Missionary Sending Nations in the world.

While the Seoul Hub convenes, GCN Trainers from the United States were boarding planes to fly to West Africa. Last March, GCN hosted the FINISH West Africa Summit for 15 west African nations. Between October 17 and November 15, fourteen Hubs will be launched in West Africa. These nations include: Togo, Ghana, Senegal, Chad, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Cameroon, Mali, Burkina Faso, Cote d’loire, Benin, Gambia, Guinea, Liberia, Each of these incredible trainers will teach in two hubs in two different nations over a seven day period of time.

Every Hub synergizes the best relationships, systematizes the best training, and strategizes for unreached people groups. Once the training is completed over an 18-month period of time, each Hub will have a graduation of its leaders, the Mother Hub will have a new cohort of leaders, and at the same time launch new hubs in the nation. By 2025, we expect there to be more than 40 Hubs in West Africa! Once the graduation takes place the GCN Trainers move to a new region to help pioneer new Hubs.

I encourage you to watch the Global Hubs of Christianity Video. When you watch it, you will discover there is a seven-step strategy for training at least one million ministers to help fulfill the Great Commission. Jesus said, “The harvest if plentiful but the laborers are few.” We do not have a harvest problem but a labor problem.

Please continue to pray for the Global Church Network. Our missional goal is to synergize, mobilize and help finalize the Great Commission in our lifetime. I am often asked, “Do you believe it is possible to complete the Great Commission in our lifetime? My answer remains the same: It is the only lifetime I have, why would I consider anything else? Let’s stand in the winners’ circle together!

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  • From the first time I met James Davis, I was raptured with the vision of more than one billion souls coming to Christ in my lifetime. We are honored to partner with him and his excellent team.

    Lee Powell
  • It a thrill to serve with James Davis on this global team, believing the Lord to plant churches where there have never been any churches before and to see souls saved where no souls have been saved before.

    Leon Fontaine
  • I have been a part of this global network since it was first announced by James Davis to more than 5,000 leaders. I am thrilled to know now that pastors in more than 140 nations are partnering together.

    David Sobrepena
  • We are committed to the Second Billion Network and to seeing untold millions come to Christ in our lifetime. I deeply appreciate James Davis’ servant leadership and his vision for the Body of Christ.

    Alex Mitala
Invite Dr. James O. Davis

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