Category Archives: News

Networking From The Middle

March 12, 2012

We should choose to move from centeredness to the center. Great networkers learn how to mobilize and minister in the middle. They learn how to articulate vision from the middle. We need to learn how to lead from the middle, connect from the middle and develop a circumference of our life. In recent years there’s been much written as it relates to leading from the middle, the three-sixty leader, and so on. My goal for this blog entry is to simply challenge us as networkers to develop a circumference of our lives, to see ourselves in the middle of that circle, and understanding that people are encircled all around us….

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Limitless Synergy

February 17, 2012

Are there limits to synergy?  Can a leader or a networker  hit the synergistic ceiling?  Recently I saw a book entitled, “Turning Your  Contacts Into Connections.”  This is not the essence of energy.  Yes,  contacts and connections are important; but this alone does not develop synergy  between people or organizations.  Over the years, I have come to the  conclusion, when a focused foundation is laid, one can build a synergistic  skyscraper.  Let me explain. Just as one plus one does not always equal two, one plus one  plus one does not always equal three.  When you choose to invite another  key person into your “two,” then the compounding begins.  Then,…

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God’s Path Equals God’s Providence

January 1, 2012

When we choose to get on “God’s Path,” we also get “God’s Providence.”  The word, “providence” means “to see ahead of time.”  Our Lord sees ahead of time and leads the right people across our path at “the right time” in order to help fulfill our divine destiny upon the earth.  I have personally witnessed this time and time again from the beginning of the Billion Soul Network ten years ago until now. I challenge you not to allow fear of the unknown and the nay sayers of your circle of friends to stop you from getting on the path, enjoying the Lord’s providence and recieving His provision.  At the…

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Roles & Goals

December 18, 2011

As leaders, we usually think of and dream of personal goals for our future.  Our personal goals, as we view them, are usually within our reach if just work hard enough.  However, when we become Great Commission Visionaries, we have entered into an arena, where personal goals are not good enough.  Until the last five or six years, I was driven to achieve or fuflill personal goals for life and ministry. When it comes to the Great Commission or to God-sized vision, we need to move from goals to roles if we desire to be reasonably successful.  Let me explain.  I believe one of the biggest differences between big spirited people…

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One Plus One Does Not Always Equal Two

November 17, 2011

We are living in era where we should be challenged to move from production to reproduction; from activity to accomplishment.  When one strives to network with others, it is critically important to understand networking mathematics.  I contend that “one plus one does not always equal two.”  In the marriage relationship, one plus one can equal 3, 5, 10 or more!  You have just experienced a paradigm shift. During the mid-1990s, I found myself consuming all the reading I could relating to paradigms and synergistic relational methods.  I will always remember like it was yesterday, when the syngeristic light came on for me in a hotel room in Northern Arkansas.  We are…

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The Difference Between Teamwork & Network

October 22, 2011

It is possible to have teamwork and not have a network. But, it is not possible to have a network without teamwork. Let me explain. When two separate teams from two different organization go out into the game of life, their goal is to defeat their opponents. If they don’t win in the game of life, ministry or business, they are known as a “losing team.” In networking, however, the teamwork is not about competing but about completing; not so much about victory as it about vision. The networking leader learns how to build a network of teams who have different roles but the same goal. Our goal is the same as our Lord’s…

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Networking & Partnerships

October 18, 2011

I have heard often leaders use the terms “networking” and “partnership” in the context of meaning the same outcomes. Yet, this is not the case in business, organizations or ministries. It is my conviction that partnerships, if they develop at all, come after the networking relationship has been established between key leaders. In summary, the stair steps are: Motivational – Establish Your Cause (Visioneering) Relational – Enforce Your Commitment  (Networking) Financial – Enlist Your Comrades (Partnership) When birthing a network, the motive has to be clear; the members have to be committed and the mission must be compelling for all who join the movement. If your network matures to the partnership…

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Life’s One Word

October 16, 2011

Welcome! In 2004, during an executive planning meeting, a fellow leader asked me, “If one word could be synonymous with your life and ministry, what word would that be?” Without hesitation, I answered “network” or “networking.” “Network” and “networking” can be summarized in “this one thing I do” in my life and ministry. In the future, those who are not networking will be not working. In the months ahead, this networking blog will be devoted to highlighting some of the best networking examples in the Global Church and expounding networking principles and practics that will exponentially grow your ministry. I hope you enjoy this visionary journey.

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  • From the first time I met James Davis, I was raptured with the vision of more than one billion souls coming to Christ in my lifetime. We are honored to partner with him and his excellent team.

    Lee Powell
  • It a thrill to serve with James Davis on this global team, believing the Lord to plant churches where there have never been any churches before and to see souls saved where no souls have been saved before.

    Leon Fontaine
  • I have been a part of this global network since it was first announced by James Davis to more than 5,000 leaders. I am thrilled to know now that pastors in more than 140 nations are partnering together.

    David Sobrepena
  • We are committed to the Second Billion Network and to seeing untold millions come to Christ in our lifetime. I deeply appreciate James Davis’ servant leadership and his vision for the Body of Christ.

    Alex Mitala
Invite Dr. James O. Davis

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