Why & How The Great Commission Will Be Completed Part 1
In the summer of 2015, Dr. Leonard Sweet, renowned author, futurist, and a leading evangelical, and Dr. James O. Davis, founder of Cutting Edge International and Global Church Network, were conversing on the phone regarding the future. During the conversation, Dr. Sweet mentioned that the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s nailing the 95 Theses on Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany, would take place in 2017. Dr. Sweet then asked, “I wonder if anyone is going to do something about it.” Dr. Davis responded, “It seems like someone or some organization needs to pause and celebrate the 500th anniversary.” Dr. Sweet also mentioned that following the 500-year celebration of Martin…
Read MoreAccording To God’s Riches In Glory: Philippians Series #21
These final words of Paul, to his beloved Philippian church, form a thank you to them for the gift that they had sent to him. The church at Philippi was greatly loved by the Apostle Paul. I think it is possible to build a case that this was his favorite church of all the churches he established. In Philippians 1:3, Paul said, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.” They were a source of constant gratitude and thanksgiving. Then, in chapter 4:1, he says “My brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown.” The Apostle Paul is writing to this favorite church, this greatly loved people…
Read MoreHow To Heal A Church Fight: Philippian Series #20
Are you a contented person? If you have contentment, you have a great treasure. It has been said that contentment softens our privations, sweetens our provisions, and makes a cottage as fair as a castle. People are looking for contentment. They have a restlessness, an uneasiness, and a dissatisfaction in their life. I once heard about a Quaker who wanted to teach a lesson to his neighbors. He said that he was going to give a lot of land to the most contented person in the village. One day a guy came and knocked on his door to collect the lot. The Quaker said to him, “Art thee a contented…
Read MoreHow To Heal A Church Fight: Philippian Series #19
All the way through the book of Philippians, there is the fragrance of love between Paul and this church. Every time he thinks about this church, his heart is filled with joy. In the first chapter, for instance, in verses 3 and 4, he says, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making requests with joy.” The book of Philippians is a love letter by the Apostle Paul, the pastor, to this wonderful and precious congregation of believers. This is the contextual atmosphere that Paul has immersed himself in as he writes this love letter to the church of…
Read MoreThe Heavenly Minded Leader: Philippians Series #18
How we view ourselves in this life, often shapes our views and values. In Philippians chapter three, we find three pictures of what the Christian life is all about for us. In verse eight, Paul begins with the metaphor of an accountant, with “I count.” He is a bookkeeper. The second metaphor is one of a runner. In verse fourteen, he says, “I press.” We are both bookkeepers and runners at the same time. In Philippines 3:17-21, Paul provides the third picture. He pictures the Christian life as a traveler or a pilgrim. He says in verse 20, “We look for the Savior.” The Christian life is like an accountant,…
Read MoreThat I May Know Christ: Philippians Series #17
The Apostle Paul was on a journey one day on the Damascus Road, and on that road, he had an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul said, “Who art thou Lord?” The Lord replied, “I am Jesus.” The day the Apostle Paul met Jesus; his life was forever changed. It was never again the same. I wonder if you have met Jesus. Have you had that wonderful experience of meeting Jesus? If you have met the Lord Jesus Christ and have become personally acquainted with Him, it has changed your life forever. In John 17:3, we read, “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only…
Read MoreWinning the Christian Race: Philippians Series #16
When we read the letters of the Apostle Paul it becomes very apparent to us that he was familiar with athletic activities. He uses all kinds of athletic terminology in his letters. It causes us to think that probably, as Paul was touring on his preaching ministry, sharing the Gospel of Jesus to the various major cities of the ancient world, that along the way he would go by the stadiums and would attend the games. While watching those games he would draw many analogies and lessons about life. He came to see that the Christian life is very much like a race. In the New Testament era, they had…
Read MoreKnocking On Death’s Door For Christ: Philippians Series #15
Throughout the book of Philippians, as well as other New Testament books, Paul wrote, constantly thinking about others. Paul has devoted himself to the Lord Jesus Christ and the development of deep friendships. Have you noticed when you read the writings of the Apostle Paul, how many friends he has? Paul not only knew how to win souls, but he knew how to win friends. For example, in Romans 16 there are at least 35 names of people who were friends of Paul. In this chapter, we will study another one of those friends. His name is Epaphroditus. You probably wouldn’t name one of your sons Epaphroditus, but the name…
Read MoreOne Million Timothies
In a rather interesting manner, Paul explains to us what joy is really all about in this life. J. O. Y. JOY. If you want to have joy in your life, you put Jesus first. That’s the “J.” Put others second. That’s the “O.” Then, you put yourself last. That’s the “Y.” When you get it in that order, it spells “JOY.” In chapter one, the emphasis is upon the Lord Jesus. As you read that first chapter of Philippians, you will find repeatedly that he comes back to the Lord Jesus Christ. He emphasizes Jesus. He exalts Jesus Christ. Put Jesus first, in your life. Then, LP when you…
Read MoreShining Like Stars In The Universe: Philippians Series #14
The Bible abounds in figures of speech, that is, beautiful pictures. In these particular verses, the Bible provides us with lovely images describing the Christian life and what the Christian life encompasses. In our scriptural passage for this chapter, there are many beautiful figures of speech and pictures about the Christian life. In Philippians 2:15, we learn that we are the sons of God. The Christian life is pictured as being a child in God’s family. When you are born again, you become a member of the family of God. In Philippines 2:17, the Christian life is compared to a sacrifice on the altar. In Romans 12:1, we read, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by…
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