The Net Report November 2022: The Latest Global Church Network News
The Global Church Network®
Synergizing & Mobilizing The Whole Body of Christ
Toward The Fulfillment Of The Great Commission
The Global Church Network moved in warp speed during the months of October and November 2022. This edition of The Net Report will bring up close and personal what is transpiring throughout the Body of Christ. Even though Mainstream Media articulates that the Church declining and dying; this is simply not what is taking place worldwide. It is trusted the Church is growing in some regions compared to other regions. How the Lord is building His church and gates of Hell will not win.
FINISH Asia Summits
On November 8-10, 2024, the Global Church Network hosted the FINISH Asia Summit at Word of Hope Church, Manilla, Philippines. Nearly 3,500 Pastors and Christian leaders came from Myanmar, Singapore, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Mongolia, and the Philippines. There were six major sessions representing Find, Intercede, Network, Invest, Send, and Harvest. All of the upcoming summits worldwide will focus on these six steps to arriving at the winners’ circle, the finish line. We were grateful to receive dynamic presentations from:
- Ejaz Nabie, Senior Pastor, Faith Assembly, Queens, New York
- Mark Louw, Area Director, Church of the Nazarene, Asia Pacific Region
- Efraim Tendero, Global Ambassador, World Evangelical Alliance
- Ronnie Floyd, President Emeritus, Southern Baptist Convention
- Anuparp Wichitnantana, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God, Thailand
- Timothy Hill, General Overseer, Church of God
- Edmund Chan, Senior Pastor, Evangelical Free Church, Singapore
- Batbold Lkhamsuren, Lead Pastor, Living Word Church Church, Mongolia
- Byoungho Zoh, Founder, Tongdok Bible, Korea
- Tim Jore, Innovation and Strategy, unfoldingWord, Orlando, Florida
As the leaders walked through each main session of the summit, they set prayer goals and future young minister goals. For FINISH Asia Summit, we established the goal of 150,000 young ministers to be called and equipped in the next ten years. With 40% of the global population being in this world region, the Church is going to need a tidal wave of new young ministers in the years to come! The Million Ministers Mandate showcased below showcases where the future FINISH Summits will be held and will feature the goals established in the upcoming regions.

Global Church Divinity School®
Over the years, GCDS® has helped to train tens of thousands of pastors and leaders for full-time ministry worldwide. In the last twenty-four months, Dr. Leonard Sweet, Dr. Kenneth Ulmer, and Dr. James O. Davis have developed seven ministry tracks, each containing seven training levels, from novice to mentor.
In the last twenty-four months, the Global Church Network® video and editing team has completed more than 60 new courses. This new course deployment nearly averages 3 new courses per month! There are nearly 180 faculty to date, with the roster growing each month. There are five levels of membership:
- Growth—One Person
- Gold—One Church
- Grand—10 Churches
- Global—50 Churches
- General—More than 100 pastors
For those leaders who purchase the gold, grand, or global memberships, they can also add as many students as they want under each church! For example, a gold membership could have a 100 or more at the same price; a grand membership could have more than 100 at each church with a total student membership exceeding 1000! You will NEVER find a better training opportunity than the Global Church Divinity School®.
In the last 60 days, Dr. Jerry Vines prepared a powerful course on the Development & Delivery Of Powerful Expository Sermons for the Global Church Divinity School. This dynamic course is offered in the Masters Level of the GCDS. Dr. Jerry Vines is truly one of the finest expository preachers of the 20th and 21st centuries.
In June 1988, he was elected president of the Southern Baptist Convention, served two terms, and was supportive of the Southern Baptist Convention conservative resurgence.
During his first 20 years at First Baptist Jacksonville, he baptized 18,177 people and oversaw the building of an $8 million preschool building, a $16 million auditorium and four parking garages, totaling almost $14 million. Vines also was influential in starting the First Baptist Church Pastors’ Conference which drew thousands of ministers and church works from across the world. Vines announced his retirement from First Baptist in May 2005 and preached his last sermon as pastor of the church in 2006 at the close of the 20th annual Pastors’ conference.
Synergize 2024
Where The Global Church Gathers To Save The World
Earlier this year, Dr. James O. Davis was fortunate to have dinner with Mr. George Foreman, the former two-time heavyweight World Champion. In the Spring of 2023, Sony Pictures is releasing his life story: The Heart Of A Lion throughout the United States first and then worldwide. Many years ago, Mr. Foreman had a miraculous born again experience with Christ, which transformed his life. For the last 20 years, he has been pastoring The Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Houston, Texas.
Mr. Foreman will bring a keynote message at Synergize 2024. Plans and promotions are underway to make Synergize 2024 the best conference yet. The Global Church Network will host Synergize 2024 on February 14-16, 2024, at the Insignia by Hilton in Orlando, Florida. In addition the powerful plenary sessions by renown leaders, Synergize 2024 will have 20 dynamic breakout sessions for pastors and leaders. Make plans now to attend by registering at
Global Church Network Peru Hub
GCN continues to deploy Hubs worldwide. On November 3-4, 2024, nearly 350 pastors converged in the Lima, Peru area for the launch of the Peru Hub. Rev. Jon Susa, Senior Pastor of Caring Church, Indianapolis, Indiana and Dr. Doyle Jones, an international evangelist, taught the opening sessions of the Hub. Each GCN Hub synergizes the best relationships, systematizes the best training and strategizes for unreached peoples. Furthermore, each Hub will convene four times over a two-year period studying thirty courses. After the thirty courses have been studied, there will be a Hub graduation and diplomas given to each leader.
Furthermore, after Hub graduation, all of the Peru leaders have access to the Global Church Divinity School ( In the GCDS, there are more than 250 courses taught by more than 180 distinguished faculty The Global Church Network is committed to bringing the finest training from the Body of Christ to Body of Christ worldwide. Presently, there are more than 130 GCN Hubs.
If you are not a financial Global Church Network® partner, then consider becoming one today. Your monthly investment will be compounded through this networking ministry. Dr. James O. Davis has often said, “If you are not networking, then in the future you will be not working.” Each month GCN® partners receive a monthly letter update.
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