What Will It Take To Finish The Great Commission?
When Christ was dying on the Cross for the past, present and future sins of the world, He shouted, telelestai, which is translated, “It is finished!” Jesus had completed His divine mission, finishing what He came to the earth to do. The heavenly Father had only one Son and He was a foreign missionary. Jesus descended down the starry skies of glory to be born in a stable and laid in an animal trough that served as a makeshift manger. He came from a heavenly to a hellish realm; from a nether world to a needy world; from a splendid place to a sinful place. Yet, by the end of…
Read MoreThe 10 Qualities Of Plandemic Leadership
I have been seriously pondering this global shift that has overtaken the earth in a few short months of time. We have become very comfortable with hearing the word “pandemic.” In the beginning, it was more of a shock and unrealistic. Today, it’s becoming more of a lifestyle. I’ve been thinking about what are the leadership differences between pandemic leadership and plandemic leadership I believe that really, in a nutshell, plandemic leadership summarizes how we’re going to move through this pandemic and get on with life, ministry, and the fulfillment of the Great Commission. With this in mind, I want to lay some thoughts upon your heart, to stir you…
Read MoreThe Sin of Procrastination: Acts Series #39
Do you have trouble with procrastination? I know I do and, starting tomorrow, I’m going do something about it. I believe everyone is plagued with some form of procrastination, but some people have a form of procrastination that is actually harming them. Here are five questions to find out whether or not we are procrastinators. First, do you always hand in work at the deadline, or later, but never early? Second, do you postpone starting a diet until some set time in the future, a time that keeps changing? Third, do you use fatigue or a headache for a reason for not getting things done? Fourth, do you clutter up…
Read MoreHow to Overcome Criticism: Acts Series #38
If we practice the normal Christian life, we are going to have normal persecution. Did you know this? If you don’t know it, you’d better learn it. This chapter will help us to know How to Cope with Criticism. Not just any criticism, but criticism that we will receive if we stand for the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you enduring criticism for Christ? If not, don’t pat yourself on the back, for the Bible says, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12). There’s no way in this world of once-born men can you be a twice-born man or woman and survive…
Read MoreNighttime Promises for 2022
I have always enjoyed sunset times. I like the daytime, too, of course. I love the beautiful sunshine, the flowers, the trees, the birds, the leaves and all of the sights and the sounds of the daytime. However, there always been something special to me about sunset time when part of nature is going to sleep. In the nighttime many decisions are made. Sometimes the nighttime is a difficult time. Sometimes we wrestle with things in the nighttime and it’s not easy. Maybe the load of grief you’ve been going through for a period of time now seems to get heavier during the nighttime hours. Maybe the feeling of loneliness…
Read MoreThe Evidences of A Saved Life: Acts Series #37
From the 21st chapter of Acts on to the conclusion, we have the series of circumstances which brought the Apostle Paul from the city of Jerusalem to the city of Rome. Paul had a great desire to go to Rome. The Lord made it possible for him to do so. When Paul came to Jerusalem, some of the Believers pointed out to him that some were accusing him of violating the Old Testament law and teaching contrary to the Old Testament Scriptures. So, they have asked him to be part of a special ceremony along with some other men. When some of the enemies of the Gospel saw him in…
Read MoreThe Evidences of A Saved Life: Acts Series #37
From the 21st chapter of Acts on to the conclusion, we have the series of circumstances which brought the Apostle Paul from the city of Jerusalem to the city of Rome. Paul had a great desire to go to Rome. The Lord made it possible for him to do so. When Paul came to Jerusalem, some of the Believers pointed out to him that some were accusing him of violating the Old Testament law and teaching contrary to the Old Testament Scriptures. So, they have asked him to be part of a special ceremony along with some other men. When some of the enemies of the Gospel saw him in…
Read MoreThe Evidences of A Saved Life: Acts Series #37
From the 21st chapter of Acts on to the conclusion, we have the series of circumstances which brought the Apostle Paul from the city of Jerusalem to the city of Rome. Paul had a great desire to go to Rome. The Lord made it possible for him to do so. When Paul came to Jerusalem, some of the Believers pointed out to him that some were accusing him of violating the Old Testament law and teaching contrary to the Old Testament Scriptures. So, they have asked him to be part of a special ceremony along with some other men. When some of the enemies of the Gospel saw him in…
Read MoreThe Ultimate Satisfaction: Acts Series #36
The Lord Jesus said on one occasion, “Not my will, but thine be done.” The friends of the Apostle Paul said to him, “the will of the Lord be done.” I wonder if you can say from the very depths of your being and really mean it in your soul—“I want God’s will to be done for my life.” The Apostle Paul is convinced in his heart that the will of God for Him is to go to the city of Jerusalem. As he makes his journey toward Jerusalem, his friends and those who love him the most have come to understand by the Holy Spirit that Paul is going…
Read MoreWatch Out for the Wolves: Acts Series #35
We have now come to part of Apostle Paul’s farewell address to the elders of the church of Ephesus. It is apparent when you read these words that the Apostle Paul dearly loved the church of the Lord. In fact, he refers to it in his message as the Church of God. Also, Paul refers to it with the term of endearment—the flock. He hadn’t always loved the church. Before his conversion, he hated the church. He did everything he knew to stifle the church and to stamp it out. He even went on a trip to Damascus to find some people who were part of the Church to persecute…
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