Blog Archives
The Billion Soul Story: Finding Your Role In God’s Goal

I am fortunate to release The Billion Soul Story: Finding Your Role In God’s Goal in December, 2015. The Billion Soul Story is comprised of visionary leaders and history makers, from every world region, who have chosen to double the size of the Global Church in this generation. When you read this powerful book, you will be encouraged in your heart, enlarged in your mind and empowered in your spirit. By the time you finish reading this exciting story, you will see the hand of God at work in our world from a new powerful vantage point like never before!
Read MoreThe Seven Steps To Networking With Friends For Success

There are basically two kinds of people in life. There are those who make deposits and those who make withdrawals. We need the kind of friends in our life who make deposits. I realize that there are exceptions to this statement. There are instances where our friends cannot make a deposit into us due to what they may be going through for a period of time. What kind of friends do you have? What kind of friend are you? We attract who we are; not what we want in life. Have you ever seen someone walking toward you and you prayed, “Lord, please come and take us to heaven!” Have…
Read More700 Million Souls Saved And Counting!

The Global Church continues to make enormous strides toward the planting of five million new churches for a Billion Soul harvest by the year 2020. The Billion Soul Initiative began in September, 2015, Dallas, Texas. At this global launch were 500 key leaders from 80 nations. All of us were focused on synergizing our efforts together to help double the size of the global Church in our generation. As of last weekend, the global Church has collectively passed 3.3 million new church plants and 700 million coming to Christ. With this pace of growth, it is anticipated that the goal of 5 million new churches for a Billion Soul harvest…
Read MoreMarking Ten Years Since Dr. Bill Bright Passed Away
Ten years ago today, Dr. Bill Bright graduated for his eternal reward. It is hard for me to comprehend that a decade has now passed before our eyes. I use to often say, “I find it very hard to keep with him.” We served together in the twilight years of his life. Here are some networking principles that have passed the test of time that I learned from Dr. Bright: 1. The Relationship Principle: It is a complement to ask people to do great things. You are saying that they are big people and are capable of achieving it. 2. The Vision Principle: Small dreams never inflame the hearts of great people. Dream big!…
Read MoreThe Seven Steps To Tying Relational Knots
In the business world, some have articulated that it is all about respect and revenue. Yet, in the ministry world, respect and revenue are obviously important; but relationships are paramount. I cannot think of anything significant that does not flow out of relationships. While I as preparing, “How To Make Your Net Work,” considerable amount of time was given to thinking about “the tying of relational knots.” Here are the steps to tying relational knots: 1. Enable A Conversation With A Leader 2. Examine The Calendar To Meet With The Leader 3. Enjoy Commonness Between Leaders 4. Establish The Cause With The Leader 5. Exemplify Your Commitment Before The Leader…
Read MoreHow To Make Your Net Work – Global Release
Last week, we were fortunate to have key leaders join us for the Global Church Listening Forum at the Foursquare Headquarters in Los Angeles, CA. On the opening evening, we launched How To Make Your Net Work book worldwide. From reading How To Make Your Net Work, you will learn: How to turn your personal mission into a powerful movement. How to begin with the end in mind and build a network to achieve it. How to network with busy leaders and gain their favor for a higher cause. How to tie relationship knots together for impact in your personal and professional life. How to find your personal role in God’s eternal goal….
Read MoreHow To Make Your Net Work – Book
I am fortunate to be releasing this month, How To Make Your Net Work. This networking resource contains eleven strategic steps to tying relational knots for global impact. Over the last 15 years, I have studied and applied networking throughout the body of Christ. After developing and deploying the Billion Soul Network, I believed it was time to outline carefully the eleven steps required to tying relational knots for global impact. Once you have read this book, your worldview will never be the same! From reading How to Make Your Net Work, you will learn: How to turn your personal mission into a powerful movement. How to begin with the end in mind…
Read MoreBuilding A Network
When building a network, it is important to have a balanced approach between management and leadership. It is not that one is exclusive to the other. Both dimensions are required to birth, build and broaden a vital, sustainable network. The following is for your consideration: The manager administers; the leader innovates. · The manager is a copy; the leader is an original. · The manager maintains; the leader develops. · The manager focuses on systems and structures; the leader focuses on people. · The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust. · The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range view. · The manager asks how…
Read MoreCreate Relationship Opportunities
Here are two principles to ponder and practice for networking in the global Church. First, we have to mend out nets. From time to time, we have to make time to renew ourselves and to reconnect with key people in our lives. Second, we have to measure our nets. In other words, we need to examine the motives of our hearts. The best measurement I have found is made up two rails on the same track of live. While one rail is measured according to the fulfillment of the Great Commission, the other rail is measured according to giving account of our lives before the Lord. Peter Mortlock often inspires…
Read MoreTake Time To Think
“I believe networkers are some of the most creative people on the planet. They see ahead of time what kind of net they are tying together. Even though it may not make sense to other around them; they know exactly what they are doing and the relational ropes come together to form powerful partnership knots. Be sure to learn how to tie as many different kinds of knots as possible so you can maximize more situations than you have ever imagined so far. From time to time, I sit quietly reflecting over the friends and colleagues the Lord has placed in my life. Then, I earnestly pray that the Lord…
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