Limitless Synergy
February 17, 2012
Are there limits to synergy? Can a leader or a networker hit the synergistic ceiling? Recently I saw a book entitled, “Turning Your Contacts Into Connections.” This is not the essence of energy. Yes, contacts and connections are important; but this alone does not develop synergy between people or organizations. Over the years, I have come to the conclusion, when a focused foundation is laid, one can build a synergistic skyscraper. Let me explain.
Just as one plus one does not always equal two, one plus one plus one does not always equal three. When you choose to invite another key person into your “two,” then the compounding begins. Then, this number compounds even more when you add another synergistic person into your group of “three” and so on. However, the overarching principle is to make sure that you add or bring like-minded, huge spirited people into your expanding network or just one or two people can bring havoc to your life and organization.
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