What a FINISH Great Commission Will Look Like Part 3
It takes two wings to fly. A one-winged bird will never get off the ground nor will a one-winged sermon. Sermons must have two wings—style and substance. In this generation, we must be online and on-ground. We must create the on-ramps necessary for young leaders to get on the highway where we are today. Global Church Network created the Global Church Divinity School (www.GCDS.tv). We established preaching, teaching, healing, story, arts, Christ formation, and contextual semiotics as seven major ministry training tracks for the upcoming generation. GCDS was not created to replace what other organizations may currently have but to offer additional assistance in the training of one million ministers from every major denomination and independent group.
If we are faithful to find, intercede, network, invest, and send, we will bring in a HARVEST like the world has never seen before. The harvest requires both decision-making and disciple-making. There will be a revival like the world has never seen—a sweeping, weeping, reaping revival. There will be a harvest where the churches are full, where new churches are being planted, and where there have never been churches in 2,000 years since Jesus Christ came out of the grave. Our harvest will be measurable. There will be compounding growth. The harvest will be motivational with people wanting to be involved in the harvest like never before. The harvest will be memorable with people writing in their church history books what God did in the early 21st century.
What a FINISH Great Commission Will Look Like
What will a completed Great Commission look like? What kind of harvest will we be looking at by the 2000-year birthday of the Church when we use find, intercede, network, invest, send, and harvest? We will have a church that is synergized and mobilized, a church that is moving like it has never moved before.
We will have a hub in every nation, a place where synergy replaces silo mentalities, where the body of Christ can come together, and where each and every nation can truly focus on what it will take to finish the Great Commission in their nation, their neighborhoods, and their unreached people groups.
We will have a Bible in every language. As the mission field becomes a mission force and as we move from parenting to partnering, we will have opportunity to provide a Bible in every language.
We will have a harvest of young, equipped leaders. We will have more young men and women answering the call of God and becoming equipped for the harvest field like never before.
We will have a church within walking distance. Instead of planting a church down the street from another strong, Bible-believing, Spirit-filled church, we will plant churches where there are no churches and will be more strategic and relational than ever before. We will then have a completed Great Commission.
Some may say, “This is impossible.” The majority of people in the world such as those in the underground church in the Middle East and in the “upper-ground” church in the Himalaya Mountains do not drive a car or take a bus to church. They must have a church within walking distance. The most efficient way to break the back of demonic oppression in an area is to plant a Bible-based, Spirit-filled church. There is a tidal wave of church planting engulfing this world. More than 10,000 churches are planted each week and more than 500,000 per year.
What does FINISH look like? For the lost, it is found in these words: “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15 KJV). For the saved, FINISH is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. For the first time, the entire family of God will gather together around the Lord’s table. Until that day, may each of us keep the angels extra busy placing more chairs at the table (Revelation 20:7-11)!
Completing the Great Commission is not about money; it’s about motivation. It’s not about competing, but completing. We have enough money, people, time, talent and resources in the Kingdom of God. The reason we have not finished the Great Commission is that we are not motivated.
FINISH 2030 is about taking the Gospel to the hardest places in the world. Several years ago, I was fortunate to cohost a Middle East Summit made up of 229 Christian leaders from every nation in that region. We were humbled to have pastors and leaders join us from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Turkey, Armenia, UAE, Qatar, Lebanon, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain, Cyprus, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and Kazakhstan.
During the Summit, upon rising early one morning for my personal devotions, the Holy Spirit asked, “How many chairs are you willing to take responsibility for at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb?”
t first, I was taken aback by the question and did not know how to respond to the Lord. After pondering and praying, I finally answered out loud, “I really don’t know the number of chairs that I can personally take responsibility for, but I am willing to commit to do my best to keep the angels extremely busy creating and placing chairs at the table of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!” I will never forget that early morning moment, when the Finish Line became so clear to me.
Now I want to ask you the same question. How many chairs will you take responsibility for at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb? How many unreached people groups will you adopt? How many souls will you help to win? Will you invest into the launch of more global HUBs? Will you help translate phenomenal training courses into different languages, so that ministers around the world can be more effective in reaching their nations for Christ?
You have a role in God’s eternal goal! The Lord birthed the Global Church Network. Now He is challenging us to become a part of something bigger than ourselves. All of heaven is cheering us on for FINISH 2030! We need to be motivated about what motivates heaven. Motivation is critical, because finishing the Great Commission is not going to be easy. If it were easy, we’d already be done.
FINISH 2030 is about reaching the hardest places in the world with the Gospel. This is not something that any person, any church, any denomination or any ministry organization can do alone. We need each other. I invite you to run with us to the Finish Line by the 2,000th Birthday of the Church!
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