The Heavenly Race


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The future always belongs to the finisher. This principle is true and accurate, whether it be a small task on our list or a huge project that we are undertaking in life. The future belongs to the finisher.

Think about it with me for a moment. Is it not true, that your personal philosophy,
whatever it may be right now, has accurately provided for you what it was intended to
provide for you? We are not called to live a fatalistic life, whatever will come our way,
will come our way. We’re called to make projections about the future, create a path in the present, and take the needed steps forward to success. Every great adventure begins with that first step. And that first step, sometimes is the most important one.

Everything in life has a beginning point and an ending point; and one of the greatest life
lessons to learn, especially early in life, is to begin with the end in mind. When we’re
younger we’re just trying to take the next step without thinking about what the curvature of the Earth is bringing to us with each new day. We spend more time climbing and
clocking than we do compassing. What would it be like if you could begin with the end in
mind? What would it be like if you could get married with the end in mind? What would it
be like if you could begin a ministry with the end in mind?

We learned a long time ago, that if you can develop a simple process for projects of
personal well-being, then we will be far more multipliable in our lives. Often, we want to
make the simple complex instead of simplifying the complicated. What made Einstein so
famous? It was not that he had a brilliant mind, but he was able to make the complex
simple. Who hasn’t heard of E=mc 2 ?

A vision becomes a goal when we put a date on it. Until we set a date, it’s only blue-sky talk, not a practical walk. Many people like to talk about vision, but they never achieve
very much with the vision. If we’re ever going to achieve something, that’s grand, then it
will begin with a goal.

Every goal doesn’t have to be a God’s sized goal. God has a God-sized goal for the
world. For God, so loved the world. If we cast our vision to the stars, we will land on the
moon. If we cast our vision on the trees, it will hit the ground. There is an overarching
art to casting vision. Yet, in this vision are measurable goals.

If you’re going to finish, we suggest that you’re going to have to be able to develop
measurable goals and execute them in a timely manner. With that in mind, GOALS is
an acronym for us. Once you have learned this acronym and have been able to apply it
numerous times, it will become like a wheel that you will roll in your decision-making,
your planning, and your vision casting.


The future always belongs to the finisher. This principle is true and accurate, whether it be a small task on our list or a huge project that we are undertaking in life. The future belongs to the finisher.

Think about it with me for a moment. Is it not true, that your personal philosophy,
whatever it may be right now, has accurately provided for you what it was intended to
provide for you? We are not called to live a fatalistic life, whatever will come our way,
will come our way. We’re called to make projections about the future, create a path in the present, and take the needed steps forward to success. Every great adventure begins with that first step. And that first step, sometimes is the most important one.

Everything in life has a beginning point and an ending point; and one of the greatest life
lessons to learn, especially early in life, is to begin with the end in mind. When we’re
younger we’re just trying to take the next step without thinking about what the curvature of the Earth is bringing to us with each new day. We spend more time climbing and
clocking than we do compassing. What would it be like if you could begin with the end in
mind? What would it be like if you could get married with the end in mind? What would it
be like if you could begin a ministry with the end in mind?

We learned a long time ago, that if you can develop a simple process for projects of
personal well-being, then we will be far more multipliable in our lives. Often, we want to
make the simple complex instead of simplifying the complicated. What made Einstein so
famous? It was not that he had a brilliant mind, but he was able to make the complex
simple. Who hasn’t heard of E=mc 2 ?

A vision becomes a goal when we put a date on it. Until we set a date, it’s only blue-sky talk, not a practical walk. Many people like to talk about vision, but they never achieve
very much with the vision. If we’re ever going to achieve something, that’s grand, then it
will begin with a goal.

Every goal doesn’t have to be a God’s sized goal. God has a God-sized goal for the
world. For God, so loved the world. If we cast our vision to the stars, we will land on the
moon. If we cast our vision on the trees, it will hit the ground. There is an overarching
art to casting vision. Yet, in this vision are measurable goals.

If you’re going to finish, we suggest that you’re going to have to be able to develop
measurable goals and execute them in a timely manner. With that in mind, GOALS is
an acronym for us. Once you have learned this acronym and have been able to apply it
numerous times, it will become like a wheel that you will roll in your decision-making,
your planning, and your vision casting.

  • From the first time I met James Davis, I was raptured with the vision of more than one billion souls coming to Christ in my lifetime. We are honored to partner with him and his excellent team.

    Lee Powell
  • It a thrill to serve with James Davis on this global team, believing the Lord to plant churches where there have never been any churches before and to see souls saved where no souls have been saved before.

    Leon Fontaine
  • I have been a part of this global network since it was first announced by James Davis to more than 5,000 leaders. I am thrilled to know now that pastors in more than 140 nations are partnering together.

    David Sobrepena
  • We are committed to the Second Billion Network and to seeing untold millions come to Christ in our lifetime. I deeply appreciate James Davis’ servant leadership and his vision for the Body of Christ.

    Alex Mitala
Invite Dr. James O. Davis

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