Synergizing Prayer For God Size Results
The priority of the minister’s life will determine the power of his or her evangelism. When the biographies of ministers God used in the past are studied, the common denominator of prominence was their priority on prayer. Mighty men and women of God will have a consistent quiet time with God. I am thrilled to announce that Mrs. Kathy Branzell, President of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, in Washington, D.C, is now serving as the CoChair/Global Prayer in the Global Church Network. In the days ahead, she will be providing strategic leadership in the mobilizing of pastors and their respective congregations to pray toward the fulfillment of the…
Read MoreHow To Dress For Stress In 2023
For some time, I have been desiring to write about How To Dress for Stress. It is important because most of us, are dealing in these desperate, dangerous days with stress. A machine that runs has what is called revolutions, like your automobile engine, revolutions per minute. This is called RPM. However, it is not the RPMs that wear out the engine; it is the friction that wears out the engine. With this image in mind, I want to teach how to dress for stress or the secrets to taking the stress out. Millions of people suffer from Chronic Stress Syndrome. This means that people are emotionally depleted, physically drained,…
Read MoreThe Five Strategic Steps For A Successful 2023
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Read MoreThe Conquering Christ of Christmas
Will Christ be the center of your celebration this Christmas season? Are you living for the things that Christ died for? The Christian needs to remember that our joy is because of Jesus, our songs because of our Savior, our love because of our Lord, our inheritance is because of His incarnation, and our blessings a result of His birth. The central figure throughout the Scriptures is the conquering Christ. In the Old Testament era, through the Passover, the people looked forward to redemption. In the New Testament era, during the Christmas season, we look backward to the Incarnation. In the Book of Isaiah, the centrality of the conquering Christ…
Read MoreLearn How To Meet God At Every Corner In 2023
Christmas Greetings! I have been humbled and grateful to serve with distinguished leaders throughout my ministry life. I learned a long time ago that faith is both caught and taught in one’s life. It is true that we are going in the direction of our most dominating thought. Whatever we focused on the most, will ultimately become our reality. We do become “who we run with” and “known by who we associate with” on a consistent basis. Dr. Jamie Buckingham is the kind of thought-leader, I would want to run with him and associate with him. Additionally, he is the kind of leader and speaker, I would want to invite…
Read MoreThe Net Report November 2022: The Latest Global Church Network News
The Global Church Network® Synergizing & Mobilizing The Whole Body of Christ Toward The Fulfillment Of The Great Commission The Global Church Network moved in warp speed during the months of October and November 2022. This edition of The Net Report will bring up close and personal what is transpiring throughout the Body of Christ. Even though Mainstream Media articulates that the Church declining and dying; this is simply not what is taking place worldwide. It is trusted the Church is growing in some regions compared to other regions. How the Lord is building His church and gates of Hell will not win. FINISH Asia Summits On November 8-10, 2024,…
Read MoreThe FINISH Asia Summit Powerful Report
I am thrilled to testify to what our magnificent Lord accomplished through the recent FINISH Asia Summit in Manilla, Philippines. Dr. David Sobrepena, Founder of Word Of Hope Church & CoChair/East Asia of the Global Church Network, and I Cohosted this incredible summit. The daily attendance averaged 2,500 pastors and leaders from Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, Myanmar, Thailand, and the Philippines. This is the first of three such summits in this region. Dr. David Sobrepena and I have been friends for more than 25 years. We have been able to travel the world together, preaching and equipping ministers on six continents. More than 30 years ago, he sold everything…
Read MoreFINISH Asia Summit
The FINISH ASIA SUMMIT will convene on November 8-10, 2022. Due to space limitations, only 8 to 10 leaders from each Asian Nation will be able to attend. The registration fee includes meeting resources and catered meals. Leaders will be synergizing and mobilizing the Body of Christ throughout Asia to complete the Great Commission by 2030!
Read MoreWhat a FINISH Great Commission Will Look Like Part 3
It takes two wings to fly. A one-winged bird will never get off the ground nor will a one-winged sermon. Sermons must have two wings—style and substance. In this generation, we must be online and on-ground. We must create the on-ramps necessary for young leaders to get on the highway where we are today. Global Church Network created the Global Church Divinity School ( We established preaching, teaching, healing, story, arts, Christ formation, and contextual semiotics as seven major ministry training tracks for the upcoming generation. GCDS was not created to replace what other organizations may currently have but to offer additional assistance in the training of one million ministers…
Read MoreHow The Great Commission Will Be Completed Part 2
We are beginning to understand that those who are not networking will eventually not be working. We are moving from consumers to contributors. Instead of asking what we will get out of it, we are asking what we can sow into it. We are moving from WIFM—What’s in It for Me—to WIFJ—What’s in It for Jesus. The Church has enough momentum to get to the finish line. Look how far we have come over the last 120 years. By 1900 AD, the Church had evangelized 45.69 percent of the world. By 2000 AD, the Church had evangelized 73.09 percent. However, with the growth of the population of the earth and…
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