Three Biblical Examples of Apostasy: Jude Series #8
The Lord wants us to be able to distinguish false doctrine when we hear it or read it. It’s very important to be able to tell the difference. God has given us this little book in the Bible to help us understand the difference between that which is true and that which is false. It is a book that has to do with the subject of apostasy. In the first four verses Jude tells us why he has given us this book. He started to write on the subject of the common salvation, and yet the Holy Spirit impressed him deep within his heart that he was to write them…
Read MoreDreams That Never Come True: Jude Series #7
Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities (Jude 8). We now come to Jude 8, where the kind dreams never come true. General William Booth was the founder of the Salvation Army. He was a great and a godly man, but he had good insight. General Booth said that the great danger of the future would be “religion without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell.” He was describing the apostasy that was going to come. It was the same apostasy that Jude warned us about when he said here in verse 4, “For there…
Read MoreA Call to All Believers: How To Communicate To GenNOW
Just as tides roll in and out on the shore, generations come and go across the sea of time. Without a God-given supernatural interruption, the generational tide that comes in will also disappear in the blink of an eye. When we observe previous generations, we witness the cycle of movements. The first generation, generates. The second generation motivates. The third generation speculates. The fourth generation usually dissipates. With each new movement of people, it is generally believed that their tide of enthusiasm and expertise will continually rise but over time it goes down. Over time, movements become the opposite of what they started out to be. History is replete with…
Read MoreThe Eternal Argument: Jude Series #6
As we continue our study of the Book of Jude, without question, one of the strangest verses in the Bible is Jude 9: But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare pronounce against him a railing judgment, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” Jude verse 9 refers to an event which is found nowhere else in Scripture. Michael had to struggle or dispute with Satan about the body of Moses, but what that entailed is not described. Another angelic struggle is related by Daniel, who describes an angel coming to him in a vision. This angel, named Gabriel in Daniel…
Read MoreOvercoming Apostasy In The Last Days: Jude Series #5
We are living in the days of apostasy. Any person who knows anything about the Bible and has any understanding of current, contemporary events is certainly aware of the fact that we are living in times of gross apostasy. Apostasy is a time when people will depart from the faith. The Bible predicts that at the end of the age, before the return of the Lord, there will be apostasy in the Church. In this culture, in general, there will be anarchy. There will be lawlessness and immorality. In the professing church, there will be apostasy and apostate teachers—those who depart from the clear teachings of the Bible and will…
Read MoreKeeping Ourselves in the Love Of God
The Book of Jude teaches us how to prepare for the coming of a group of teachers on the earth known as the Apostates. Apostates are false teachers who teach doctrines of apostasy. Doctrines of apostasy are doctrines that depart from the faith and once and for all are delivered to the saints. Jude started to write about a more pleasant subject—the common salvation. Yet, he says to us in verse 3 that there came this impression on his heart that rather than write about the common salvation, he should write a word to encourage us to contend for the faith and be delivered to the saints. The reason for…
Read MoreHow To Make Your Net Work Anywhere
Jesus’ first disciples were fishermen. And, I want to say that all of the disciples today should be fishermen. I want to talk to you today on this subject: “How To Make Your Net Work.” I don’t know of anything more thrilling, more exciting, than to know that God can use me, and God can use you, to be a fisher of men. There is no greater fulfillment on this earth than to bring somebody else to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. How we can be fishers of men? Soul winning is fishing for men. Now, when we fish for fish, we take fish out of a beautiful…
Read MoreThe Million Minsters Mandate Powerful Update
We are about to step into the 3rd Millennium of the Church. The Global Church Network is making plans to celebrate the 2000th Birthday of the Church on June 9-11, 2030 in Jerusalem, Israel. While at the same time, we commemorate the 2nd millennium, we will be stepping into the 3rd millennium. While none of us may know when Christ will return, we do know that we are living in the last, last days. The Church does not have a harvest problem but a labor shortage. When the harvest has slowed down in a region, it is not because God is not concerned or the ground is too hard, but…
Read MoreThe Way Of Cain
Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain!” (Jude 11) The book of Genesis is a book of beginnings. Genesis records the birth of the universe, the world, the sun, the moon, stars, animal life, plant life, human life, and many other important things. In the first eleven chapters of Genesis, many “first” things appear: the first man, the first woman, the first command from God, the first marriage, the first home, the first sin, the first death, the first sacrifice, the first worship, the first murder, the first curse, and so on. It was no marvel that the heart of Eve rejoiced when a son was…
Read MoreWhat is Evangelism?
What is evangelism? Over the decades I have been asked this question. It is hard to believe but some leaders have many different definitions and descriptions. It is amazing that some many Christian leaders love to celebrate the baby Jesus at His birth with the angels, but not the grownup Jesus who said, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel” Evangelism is God loving the world so much that He sent His only son. Evangelism is Jesus weeping over a doomed, Gospel rejecting Jerusalem. Evangelism is Moses’ prayer: “Lord, forgive them, or blot me from your book.” Evangelism is David writing, “The zeal of the thy house has…
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